Australian government manufacturers terrorist threats to support war agenda

Hundreds of police launched theatrical raids on Muslim homes in Brisbane and Sydney, see here and here, on the pretext of preventing terroristic attacks. One person has been charged on dubious evidence. The raids are intended to generate public fear, quash criticism for Australia’s renewed war on Iraq and justify increased powers for the security forces. The Australian government is also deflecting attention away from its unpopular cuts to social security. Hysterical media coverage of the police raids has resulted in increased racial tension.

Hundreds of police launched theatrical raids on Muslim homes in Brisbane and Sydney, see here and here, on the pretext of preventing terroristic attacks. One person has been charged on dubious evidence. The raids are intended to generate public fear, quash criticism for Australia’s renewed war on Iraq and justify increased powers for the security forces. The Australian government is also deflecting attention away from its unpopular cuts to social security. Hysterical media coverage of the police raids has resulted in increased racial tension.