Australian government jails children again

The Australian government has reached a new low in its already appalling record of neglect, abuse and illegal detention of refugees. A Sri Lankan refugee and her two children have been detained indefinitely, on secret "security" grounds. They had already been granted refugee status, but the Australian secret police agency ASIO has decided to jail them. They have no right to appeal. There is a petition in support of Ranjini and her children here. There is a rally for refugee rights on Sunday 17 June.

The Australian government has reached a new low in its already appalling record of neglect, abuse and illegal detention of refugees. A Sri Lankan refugee and her two children have been detained indefinitely, on secret "security" grounds. They had already been granted refugee status, but the Australian secret police agency ASIO has decided to jail them. They have no right to appeal. There is a petition in support of Ranjini and her children here. There is a rally for refugee rights on Sunday 17 June.