Aboriginal families the new victims of asbestos

This week, in the western NSW town of Baryulgil, Australia, an Aboriginal man, Ffloyd Laurie, became the first confirmed case of the fatal asbestos cancer mesothelioma. Ffloyd was not a worker at the asbestos mine, but grew up in the adjacent town of Baryulgil where white asbestos was piled up on the streets. Ffloyd’s cancer is now expected to be only the first of many as mesothelioma takes years to develop. The mine was owned by the notorious James Hardie Company that owned other asbestos mines and factories. James Hardie Company has now moved away from Australia and is denying any liability for the sickness and death that its products are still producing.

This week, in the western NSW town of Baryulgil, Australia, an Aboriginal man, Ffloyd Laurie, became the first confirmed case of the fatal asbestos cancer mesothelioma. Ffloyd was not a worker at the asbestos mine, but grew up in the adjacent town of Baryulgil where white asbestos was piled up on the streets. Ffloyd’s cancer is now expected to be only the first of many as mesothelioma takes years to develop. The mine was owned by the notorious James Hardie Company that owned other asbestos mines and factories. James Hardie Company has now moved away from Australia and is denying any liability for the sickness and death that its products are still producing.