A global economy needs a global response by workers

With continuing technological advances in the transport, communications and manufacturing sectors, the world economy is becoming increasingly more integrated every day. This can be seen in the effect of the current capitalist crisis on workers around the world.  We call this a ‘brutal race to the bottom’. It has become apparent that to safeguard our wages and our conditions, it is not enough to fight at the local level. We need to fight for global standards by developing global industrial campaigns. It can be done, it needs us to organise internationally.

With continuing technological advances in the transport, communications and manufacturing sectors, the world economy is becoming increasingly more integrated every day. This can be seen in the effect of the current capitalist crisis on workers around the world.  We call this a ‘brutal race to the bottom’. It has become apparent that to safeguard our wages and our conditions, it is not enough to fight at the local level. We need to fight for global standards by developing global industrial campaigns. It can be done, it needs us to organise internationally.