25th anniversary of the prison massacres in Iran

In the closing stages of the bloody Iraq-Iran war of 1980 to 1988, the Iranian government in the summer of 1988 executed many thousands of left wing political prisoners. Many of the prisoners were at the end of their sentences. It is thought the Iranian government was afraid of releasing these prisoners back into a civilian population that was exhausted by years of war and so decided to take no chances. No one has ever been held to account for this massacre. Commemoration events are being held around the world.

In the closing stages of the bloody Iraq-Iran war of 1980 to 1988, the Iranian government in the summer of 1988 executed many thousands of left wing political prisoners. Many of the prisoners were at the end of their sentences. It is thought the Iranian government was afraid of releasing these prisoners back into a civilian population that was exhausted by years of war and so decided to take no chances. No one has ever been held to account for this massacre. Commemoration events are being held around the world.