Australian workers protest against anti-worker budget

In an impressive show of force, up to 40,000 workers defied anti strike laws to march in Melbourne against the massive cutbacks against workers’ living standards detailed in the latest government budget, see photos and video. These attacks by the conservative government are part of the ongoing offensive by governments and capitalists all around the world to make us pay for this latest crisis in the capitalist system. They want to make us work harder for less money so they can increase profits. We need to organise and take action together as a class.

In an impressive show of force, up to 40,000 workers defied anti strike laws to march in Melbourne against the massive cutbacks against workers’ living standards detailed in the latest government budget, see photos and video. These attacks by the conservative government are part of the ongoing offensive by governments and capitalists all around the world to make us pay for this latest crisis in the capitalist system. They want to make us work harder for less money so they can increase profits. We need to organise and take action together as a class.