Australian Government commits piracy and kidnapping on the high seas

The Australian government’s repressive measures against asylum seekers continue to increase with news that earlier this month, an Australian Navy ship intercepted and kidnapped a group of Vietnamese asylum seekers. The refugees were then held inside the navy ship until they were let out in the Vietnamese port city of Vung Tau. At the same time, the Australian Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, was in Iran to try and get that government, a well-known abuser of human and labour rights, to accept Iranian asylum seekers in Australia. These acts are a continuation of a global war against poor workers fleeing from wars, exploitation and injustice.

The Australian government’s repressive measures against asylum seekers continue to increase with news that earlier this month, an Australian Navy ship intercepted and kidnapped a group of Vietnamese asylum seekers. The refugees were then held inside the navy ship until they were let out in the Vietnamese port city of Vung Tau. At the same time, the Australian Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, was in Iran to try and get that government, a well-known abuser of human and labour rights, to accept Iranian asylum seekers in Australia. These acts are a continuation of a global war against poor workers fleeing from wars, exploitation and injustice.