Malaysian government using anti-terror law

Following on from last week’s big protests in Malaysia, and in many other cities around the world, the Malaysian government has stepped up repression against the anti-corruption movement. Maria Chin Abdullah, one of the leaders of Bersih, had been arrested prior to the demonstration with a number of others. Maria Chin is now being held for allegedly violating the recently proclaimed Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (SOSMA), also known as the anti-terror law. SOSMA allows people to be detained without charge for long periods. This development has brought back memories of when the ISA was used to suppress dissent in Malaysia.

Following on from last week’s big protests in Malaysia, and in many other cities around the world, the Malaysian government has stepped up repression against the anti-corruption movement. Maria Chin Abdullah, one of the leaders of Bersih, had been arrested prior to the demonstration with a number of others. Maria Chin is now being held for allegedly violating the recently proclaimed Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (SOSMA), also known as the anti-terror law. SOSMA allows people to be detained without charge for long periods. This development has brought back memories of when the ISA was used to suppress dissent in Malaysia.